Happy New Year!
Ladies, welcome to 2020. This may be a very propitious year in God’s economy, and we want to be where HE IS WORKING! Of ALL the books in the canon, Isaiah gives us the BROADEST view of our Great God!
Consider this passage:
"Remember this, and stand firm~ Call this to mind~
I AM GOD, and there is No Other; I am GOD and there is NONE like me!
I declare the end from the beginning, saying.. I WILL accomplish ALL my purpose!”
(Isa 46)
We’re going to unpack this and many other awesome passages on the sovereignty of God. Don’t you want to know the purposes of God? (Wow) We’ll move through Isaiah’s Book of the Servant & the Book of the Conqueror, all detailing the promises of Christ & God’s rescue of Judah. (this fall we tackled the Book of the King).
Join women from more than 15 area Charlotte churches to fellowship and “Dig Deep” into the character of Our God.
With anticipation of ALL that a New Year holds,
Dr A