If you missed a week of WOW or would like to listen to one of the Isaiah lectures again, simply click the links below to catch up. The reading, worksheets, and homework are now available online as well.
December 2
Lesson 10: Our Exile and His (Listen)
Chapters 34-35 (Read)
Outline (Study)
November 18
Lesson 9: The Lord Our Foundation (Listen)
Chapters 32-33 (Read)
Outline (Study)
November 12
Lesson 8: The God Who Waits (Listen)
Chapters 30-31 (Read)
Outline (Study)
Homework (Due 11/18)
October 28
Lesson 7: Oracles Part 3 - Cities of Destruction & Hope (Listen)
Chapters 17-21 (Read)
Outline (Study)
Homework (Due 11/11)
October 21
Lesson 6: Oracles Part 2 (Listen)
Chapters 17-21 (Read)
Outline (Study)
Homework (Due 10/28)
October 14
Lesson 5: The Day of the Lord (Listen)
Chapters 13-16 (Read)
Outline (Study)
Homework (Due 10/21)
October 7
Lesson 4: Flyover! Judgment and Hope (Listen)
Chapters 8-12 (Read)
Outline (Study)
Homework (Due 10/14)
September 30
Lesson 3: The Holiness of our Awesome God. (Listen)
Chapters 6-7 (Read)
Outline (Study)
Homework (Due 10/7)
September 23
Lesson 2: Prelude to Conflict. (Listen)
Chapters 1-5 (Read)
Outline (Study)
Homework (Due 9/30)
September 16
Lesson 1: The Sovereignty of God Revealed. (Listen)
Overview of Isaiah
Curriculum Calendar
Outline (Study)
Homework (Due 9/23)