Sunday, April 3, 2016


“The hills are decked with sheep like a garment! The valleys and hills sing with joy ..” ( Psalm 65, amplified) 

All around us, we see evidence of God’s creative Hand, and sustaining power. This is my favorite time of year (hands-down!) And so we pause to reflect on God’s “renewing” energy in nature, and His promise of similar “new life” for us, in all the areas we present to Him, and die to our old ways.  Our ministry is experiencing “Spring Growth” and ~ in Year 7, a move to a new Church Home (thank you Carmel for 6 amazing years of hosting us!) 
We are midway thorough our study of the Gospel of John, and it has been rich, rich. We are also halfway through the “I AM’s” Of Christ, and reflecting with the coming of spring on CHRIST OUR GOOD SHEPHERD! Who knows us, leads us, and reproves us with His “rod and staff..” 
How apropos that the name of our new home is GOOD SHEPHERD PRESBYTERIAN (CLT) on REA Road.
Our Fall Term (beginning 9/12) will take us through the PASSION chapters of John, all the way to Joyful conclusion we all just experienced at EASTER: HE is RISEN!

Please make plans to join us this fall, and tell a friend!

The AUDIO OF JOHn so far is appended to this site, as well as back lecture in Romans for your growth and encouragement~


in Him