Wednesday, December 7, 2016

HAPPY ADVENT, 2016~ our Christmas TEA is 12/12

Dear Flock:
We are drawing to the end of another teaching year and have much to reflect on.
But nothing can match the centuries-long reflection of ADVENT, in all its meanings.

Advent is from the latin “adventus,” meaning “Coming!” and, I would add, WAITING.
We as believers are called to “wait differently” from the world. Waiting with HOPE, waiting with PURPOSE, and waiting with Longing “for Our Lord’s Appearing.” (Titus 2) 

In church history past,  Advent was one-half “looking back” to the first Advent of Christ, and one-half looking FORWARD to His Second coming!
Are we looking forward? Are we straining for a glimpse of His appearing? Or will He find us “Asleep in the Light..”?

Please join us Dec. 12 at our Annual CHRISTMAS Tea, 7:00 p.m. at Good Shepherd Presbyterian, 3307 Rea Road, Charlotte. 
Friends are welcome!

May He be present and center in your heart and home this Advent Season~



Dr Alison Littauer Brown

Teaching Director, Women of the WORD 

Wednesday, May 25, 2016


Dear Sisters of WOW:

“Blessed is the man (or woman!) who delights in the law of the Lord…she is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields her fruit in season, and whose leaf does not wither (in time of summer heat!)
(Dr. A paraphrase)  Psalm 1

HAPPY SUMMER! The warmer temps are already arriving, but we’ve had so many “spectacular” days for worship, reading, and rest~ I pray you’re already in a new “rhythm…’ In line  with our closing devotional, let me reiterate that the enemy’s tool in the summertime, to thwart our time with the Lord, is DISTRACTION….he will accomplish by many and varied means! We spoke about the ever-present media/technology that we constantly have in our grip (phones) , as well as the steady stream of “nothingness” that come through a glass box in our living rooms ( sad!)
By any means, he will keep our attention “scattered,” so we must CHOOSE intentional focus on God’s Word an prayer.

 I recommend the earliest morning hours in this season, but any time of day is good for pausing with lemonade and His word in hand. Pick a new “place” and time for a spiritual “exhale” in your daily routine. Consciously let go of anxiety, and then re-fill your mind with the Good News of His watcher over ALL Things (see ISA 40!)
Psalm 1 is the record of the man who chooses to “walk in the way of the Lord, and meditate on His law day and night.” This will never happen until it’s cultivated in our life as a discipline.
The WOW Booklist  is a resource for your summer spiritual growth. Mark off one or many to devour in long stretches this summertime.
I will be missing you all!

Formal REGISTRATION For WOW’s fall JOURNEY WITH JESUS TO THE CROSS (Chapters 12-21 of John) will begin in August.
To put your name on our waiting list, email “rosell305@gmail. com” and give your name, email, and preference as to whether “Early" (meets 6-8 p.m. with small group first) or “Late” Groups (meets 7-9 p.m. with small group after).

We will collect $15 for the Fall term the first evening of class 9/12/16) by Check or Cash (only).
Scholarships are available by need.
Women of the WORD will meet this Fall from 9/12 to 12/12  at Good Shepherd Presbyterian Church, 3307  Rea Road, Charlotte.

Be Refreshed in HIM All Summer! Check out Audio lessons of John or Romans to keep you from Distraction!

Dr Alison Littauer Brown
Teaching Director, Women of the WORD

Sunday, April 3, 2016


“The hills are decked with sheep like a garment! The valleys and hills sing with joy ..” ( Psalm 65, amplified) 

All around us, we see evidence of God’s creative Hand, and sustaining power. This is my favorite time of year (hands-down!) And so we pause to reflect on God’s “renewing” energy in nature, and His promise of similar “new life” for us, in all the areas we present to Him, and die to our old ways.  Our ministry is experiencing “Spring Growth” and ~ in Year 7, a move to a new Church Home (thank you Carmel for 6 amazing years of hosting us!) 
We are midway thorough our study of the Gospel of John, and it has been rich, rich. We are also halfway through the “I AM’s” Of Christ, and reflecting with the coming of spring on CHRIST OUR GOOD SHEPHERD! Who knows us, leads us, and reproves us with His “rod and staff..” 
How apropos that the name of our new home is GOOD SHEPHERD PRESBYTERIAN (CLT) on REA Road.
Our Fall Term (beginning 9/12) will take us through the PASSION chapters of John, all the way to Joyful conclusion we all just experienced at EASTER: HE is RISEN!

Please make plans to join us this fall, and tell a friend!

The AUDIO OF JOHn so far is appended to this site, as well as back lecture in Romans for your growth and encouragement~


in Him