The LORD has gone ahead of us, into it!
WOW Studies Romans 9-11
Women of the WORD resumes this week and will continue on Mondays through most of May at Carmel Baptist, on Route 51 in Matthews.
It meets at 7 p.m. every week and many weeks we have worship or singing and every week we have small group times when the lesson & homework is discussed.
Please join us for ROMANS 9-11, the journey through the Jewish-Gentile "question;" what are God's plans for His OWN people? and for all of us "who are daughters of Abraham, because we share the faith of Abraham.." ( Romans 4:16)... The key to this entire chapter is the Sovereignty of God...
Martin Luther called Romans the "Greatest Letter ever written..." Come and study with us !
For information, write Dr Al at with any questions...
We Welcome you !!