Tuesday, November 18, 2014


When: Monday December 8, 7:30 p.m.
Where: GordonConwell campus, S Charlotte (14542 Choate Circle, CLT 28273)
Why: Christmas Cheer & merriment
What: Caroling, Advent message, Amazing treats, special music

NO COST and bring a friend! Let's reflect on the True Reason for the Season

Questions: write Pamela at pamdabels@gmail.com

Sunday, August 10, 2014



Please join us as we resume our study of Romans Sept 8, Monday night, and begin an entire semester based on the theme verse, "Don't be conformed to this world, but be Transformed, by the renewing of your mind.."

What does that look like? And why has Paul spent 11 in-depth chapters dealing with heavy doctrinal issues, in order to now launch into "Practical Christian Living?"

Join us for study, fellowship, small groups, and assignments at home designed to draw you into the text.

If you're new to WOMEN of the WORD, click on "Audio" to the right, here, and listen to the Lectures from Romans 8 to prepare!

See you 9/8 at 7 p.m., Lord willing!


Friday, June 6, 2014


Please commit to reading 3-4 of these this summer. It will change you! Scroll all the way down for Recs from a favorite Prof of min...

Books you SHOULD HAVE READ By Now: 

**Knowledge of the Holy, Tozer.
All by Lewis: The Chronicles of Narnia, (Stories) C S Lewis
        Mere Christianity (SEMINAL work)
        The Problem of Pain
Divine Conspiracy (on Christian virtue) by Dallas Willard
***The Pleasures of God, by Piper
   Holiness of God, R C Sproul
A Path Through Suffering Elisabeth Eliot,

Jonathan Edwards **Religious Affections
Madame Guyon, Union with God
Fenelon, Seeking Heart.

New(ish) on the Scene:
Follow Me by Dave Platt
God Loves You by David Jeremiah

I don't Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist , by Turek
Cold Case Christianity, Wallace
The Case for Faith, Strobel,
Don't Waste Your Life, John Piper


***Bonhoeffer, by Eric Metaxas (mesmerizing & important)
**C S Lewis, by Alister McGrath (Prize-winning)
** Edwards, A Life, by George Marsden (run, don't walk, to get this one!)
   Through Gates of Splendor (Jim Elliot)

Marriage & Family/Sexuality
Love & Respect by Dr Eggerichs
*****The Meaning of Marriage by Tim Keller (anything by him is Super,but this especially )
The Naked truth about Chastity (Lauren Winner, great!!)
Sex & the Supremacy of Christ, John Piper

Streams in the Desert, Cowan.
My Utmost for His Highest (Tex & I re-read every 5 years) Oswald Chambers
Valley of Vision (Pilgrim prayers)
*** For FAMILY Devotions,: John Piper Series  A Godward Life
Prayer:  A Diary of Private Prayer, by John Bailie


From our HEAD LIBRARIAN: a true "Man of Letters"
Dr Bob Mayer
1. The Collected Sermons of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, edited by Isabel Best.
(Fortress, 2012).

Synopsis: Preaching, according to Bonhoeffer, is like offering an apple to a
child. The gospel is proclaimed, but for it to be received as a gift depends on
whether the hearer is in a position to do so. Offered here are thirty-one of
Pastor Bonhoeffer's sermons, in new English translations, which he preached at
various times of the year and in a variety of different settings. Each is
introduced by Bonhoeffer translator Isabel Best, who also provides a brief
biography of Bonhoeffer. The foreword is by Victoria J. Barnett, general editor
of the Dietrich Bonhoeffer Works, English edition, published by Fortress Press,
from which these sermons are selected.

In his preaching, Bonhoeffer's strong, personal faith— the foundation for
everything he did— shines in the darkness of Hitler's Third Reich and in the
churches' struggle against it. Though not overtly political, Bonhoeffer' s deep
concern for the developments in his world is revealed in his sermons as he seeks
to draw the listener into conversation with the promises and claims of the
gospel— a conversation readers today are invited to join.

2. Discernment: Reading the Signs of Daily Life, by Henri Nouwen (Harper One,

Discernment: Reading the Signs of Daily Life features the wisdom that spiritual
leader and counselor Henri J. M. Nouwen brought to the essential question asked
by every Christian and seeker: What should I do with my life?

Nouwen emphasizes listening to the Word of God—in our hearts, in the Bible, in
the community of faith, and in the voice of the poor as a way to discern God’s

3. The Twilight of the American Enlightenment: The 1950s and the Crisis of
Liberal Belief, by George Marsden (Basic Books, 2014)

In the aftermath of World War II, the United States stood at a precipice, with
astonishing advances in daily life, but technology and mass culture also threatened to erode the
country’s traditional moral character. As award-winning historian George M.
Marsden explains in The Twilight of the American Enlightenment, postwar
Americans looked to the country’s secular, liberal elites for guidance in this
precarious time, but these intellectuals proved unable to articulate a coherent
common cause by which America could chart its course.
A groundbreaking reappraisal of the country’s spiritual reawakening.

4. Confessions, by St. Augustine (Oxford World Classics, 2009).

Henry Chadwick, an eminent scholar of early Christianity, has given us the
first new English translation in thirty years of this classic spiritual journey.
Chadwick renders the details of Augustine's conversion in clear, modern English.

5. Mark Noll, The Civil War as a Theological Crisis (UNC Press, 2003)

The Civil War was a major turning point in American religious thought, argues
Mark A. Noll. Although Christian believers agreed with one another that the
Bible was authoritative and that it should be interpreted through commonsense
principles, there was rampant disagreement about what Scripture taught about
slavery. Furthermore, most Americans continued to believe that God ruled over
the affairs of people and nations, but they were radically divided in their
interpretations of what God was doing in and through the war.

6. C. S. Lewis: A Life , by Alister McGrath (Tyndale, 2013) [Great book, but I
like Jacobs better]

ECPA 2014 Christian Book Award Winner (Non-Fiction)!
Fifty years after his death, C. S. Lewis continues to inspire and fascinate
millions. His legacy remains varied and vast. He was a towering intellectual
figure, a popular fiction author who inspired a global movie franchise around
the world of Narnia, and an atheist-turned-Christian thinker.

You won’t want to miss this fascinating portrait of a creative genius who
inspired generations.

8. God's Forever Family: the Jesus Movement in America (Oxford, 2013)

Winner of the 2014 Christianity Today Book of the Year

The Jesus People movement was a unique combination of the hippie counterculture
and evangelical Christianity, and it attracted a huge new following among evangelical church youth,
who enthusiastically adopted the Jesus People persona as their own. Within a few
years, however, the movement disappeared and was largely forgotten by everyone
but those who had filled its ranks.

Friday, February 7, 2014

From the Scholars, on Union with Christ!

Paul seems to be saying that, since Christ proved his love for us by his sufferings, so our sufferings cannot possibly separate us from it. In the context, which began with the reference to our sharing Christ's sufferings, they should be seen as evidence of union with the crucified one, not a cause for doubting his love.
John Stott


The design of God in this chapter is to give you such a deep, firm, unshakable, God-wrought, blood-bought security in his all-conquering love, that in these seven kinds of sufferings you will not curse him or forsake him or reproach him, but trust him and hold fast to him and be satisfied with him when all else is taken away. "When all around my soul gives way, he then is all my hope and stay." Or, as Job said, after he tore his robe and shaved his head and fell on the ground, "Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return. The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord" (Job 1:21; see 42:11)

In other words, the design of this passage is not to add eternal security to a life devoted to earthly comfort. The design is to promise eternal security to free you from a life devoted to earthly comfort, and give you the freedom and joy and courage to move toward need, not toward ease.

John Piper,
Romans 8

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

WELCOME TO 2014!!!!!!

The LORD has gone ahead of us, into it!
WOW Studies Romans 9-11

Women of the WORD resumes this week and will continue on Mondays through most of May at Carmel Baptist, on Route 51 in Matthews.
It meets at 7 p.m. every week and many weeks we have worship or singing and every week we have small group times when the lesson & homework is discussed.
Please join us for ROMANS 9-11, the journey through the Jewish-Gentile "question;" what are God's plans for His OWN people? and for all of us "who are daughters of Abraham, because we share the faith of Abraham.." ( Romans 4:16)... The key to this entire chapter is the Sovereignty of God...

Martin Luther called Romans the "Greatest Letter ever written..." Come and study with us !

For information, write Dr Al at deadguys83@aol.com with any questions...

We Welcome you !!