Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Summer Reading List 2024


HAPPY Late Spring/Early Summer! WOW is over for this school year.

We resume 9/9 2 6:30 p.m. to begin our journey into ROMANS chapters 1-4….our months will be SEPT thru APRIL of ’25. Our Normal Mondays we meet from 6:45- 8:30 p.m. (early group meets 5:45 - 8 p.m.).

Our text is N.T (Tom) Wright, Romans for Everyone, Volume 1 (there are 2 volumes) easily available on Amazon. Please consider getting that and looking ahead into the Fall.

Our Journey thru ISAIAH and also thru our 15th year together was rich and deep! Please invite a friend to our Summer Study on Dr Carol Kaminski’s book “Cultivating Godliness,” which is a light-discussion & sharing mode, beginning June 10 (write Marie Ligon for details!) We’ll meet 7 summer Mondays from 6:30-8 p.m. at different host-homes! Will be so refreshing! 

Attached is our booklist for the summer ! 

Please use this time of a change of pace to go deep—to sit on the porch for no reason, to exhale and meditate, to walk in the woods, to try a different prayer time? Summer is God’s Gift to us! Don’t waste it!

It makes me think of a verse we’re referenced MANY TIMES in WOW: “All my fresh springs shall be in You!” PS 87:7. Ladies, ask HIM for the fresh springs you need.

Commit your ways to the Lord & your steps will be established…Prov. 16:3

I am mainly recommending a couple Old Classics: “Andrew Murray: Humility, & Keller on PRAYER…&  a New Classic: “5 Lies of our Anti-Christian Age.” by Rosario Butterfield 

Hope to see many of you in “summer study!”

Praying for you all! Please keep our Ukrainian brothers and sisters in your prayers!