Dear Class:
It’s been a wonderful Autumn, full of lessons on the Supremacy of Christ.
Now, in the church calendar, is the “Season of Waiting..”The season of Advent. I’ve often, in many church settings over 30 years, made the observation (not original to me!) that those who recognized the Christ child in the Christmas Story “were looking for Him!”
Anna, in the Luke account ~ chapter 2, is denoted as someone “who was longing and looking for the redemption of Jerusalem..” (As I age, it also isn’t lost on me that the two who recognized the baby in Luke 2 were the oldest two in the entire story! )
So let’s not let the Season slip away looking around us, at the wrong things, with the wrong focus. Temporal pleasures will soon fade, but the Eternal Gifts of the Child-King will last forever.
Class resumes Jan 15, Monday evening, at 6:30, and PLEASE JOIN US for Hebrews chapter 8!
Warmly in Him
Dr Alison Littauer Brown
Teaching Director, Women of the WORD, CLT