Friday, December 14, 2012


HAPPY happy Advent, Merry Christmas, and & Happy New Year in Our Lord!
All of God's promises are "yes, and amen!" in Christ Jesus (Corinthians) and Advent tells us this most especially.

As promised, here are my top 10 pics for Books to Buy for those you love (or for yourself) this Advent!

Remember  please: we resume 1/22 TUES at 7 p.m. with treats and singing, and (secondly) PLEASE go to's ministries to REGISTER BEFORE JAN 6.

I remember you often in my prayers.


Top 10 Pics of Books this Christmas (no particular order, and SCROLL WAY (way)  DOWN For "Great Dead Guys" books)

1. . Mere Christianity by C S Lewis (Because if you haven't, now is the time; this is the year).
2. The Meaning of Marriage, b y Tim Keller (best out there on the subject)
3. Reading in an Age of  Distraction, by Alan Jacobs (teaching your kids/yourself to be READERS today, amid media frenzy).
4. The Return of the Prodigal Son by Henri Nouwen (it will change you).
5. **After You Believe, by N T Wright (I use it almost weekly for WOW; thoughts & teachings on character from a great theologian).
6. The Pleasures of God by John Piper (the standard for understanding deep theology).
7. The Greater Journey, or The Path Between the Seas(2 nonfiction sheer "history picks" for down time; he's the best alive). David McCollough.
8. Bonhoeffer (Biography of the year, 2011), by Eric Metaxas. (GRET gift idea for husbands who love cool true hero stories)...
9.  The Knowledge of the Holy  by A W Tozer (single best devotional book out there, period).
10. Losing Our Virtue, by David Wells (polemic on the state of the church today).

Thursday, September 6, 2012


Romans 5-7 This School Year, at Carmel Baptist.
Our Fall Term, Romans chapter 5, runs 9/10 through 11/19 and focuses on the HOW MUCH MORE we have in Christ!
Class meets from 7-9 p.m. weekly all Fall.

Join us and women from over a dozen churches to study your identity in CHRIST & to fellowship with other like-minded women.
Small groups build lasting relationships & Lecture Time & Homework cause us to grow our Spiritual Roots deeply in Him!

We meet in the CHOIR ROOM on the lower level of Carmel Baptist..and Visitor Nites are Sept 10 & 17 (only) at 7 p.m.
Join us for Food, Fellowship, and Spiritual Feeding.

FIRST WEEK LECTURE: Romans 1-4 Summary & Review
Second Week Lecture: Romans 5, Intro
Third Week Lecture: Romans 5: 1-5 REJOICING in Hope
All Audio Posted here weekly.

Friday, May 11, 2012


We'll resume with Romans Chapter 5 on Sept 10--don't miss it!

We will be happy to welcome you that evening at Carmel Baptist in our new home: the CHOIR ROOM! :) (amazing music to follow)

LADIES ---STAY  IN THE WORD this summer! Below are "10 great alive guys" to go with the Dead Great Guys I have given you already (scroll down)

Be diligent to stay "watered" in the desert season. Check out Psalm 1 for backup to this point! 

Write Dr Al this summer (note: she won't be ret'ing emails 5/25-6/18).

For Your Reading Pleasure!:


1. Tim Keller, Reason for God, The King’s Cross, The Meaning of Marriage

2.  John Piper: The Pleasures of God, Desiring God, Hunger for God

3.     3. David Wells, God in the Wasteland, Losing Our Virtue

4.     4. NT Wright, After You Believe, Surprised by Hope

5.  Beth Moore:  Praying God’s Word & Breaking Free

6.  Donald Miller (unsaved, younger generation) Blue Like Jazz

7.  Phil Yancey, Reaching for the Invisible God, Disappointment with God, the Bible Jesus Read, The Jesus I Never Knew

8. R C Sproul, The Holiness of God, Bible Questions! & Anything else

**9. George Marsden, JonathanEdwards, A Life

   10. Mark Noll, The Scandal of the Evangelical Mind (& anything else!)

OF Note: Andy Crouch, Lauren Winner, Elisabeth Elliot, Henri Nouwen, Jerry Bridges, 31 Days of Praise

Friday, February 3, 2012


We are in Romans 3, "Justified Freely By His Grace" And will study weekly through May 21, 2012.
We meet at Carmel Baptist Church on Monday nights, on Route 51 in Matthews, NC.

For more information, write Dr Al at

Click on "Audio" to hear past lectures.

Friday, January 13, 2012

WOMEN of the WORD Resumes Tuesday!!

Ladies--our winter quarter of WOW resumes Tuesday the 17th for one week
only before switching to our regular Monday schedule...We will meet 7-9
p.m. Every Monday Eve (after this week) ..

Our winter term is called 'Justified Freely by His Grace!' & will focus
on Romans Chapters 3-4-- the amazing truths of all that Christ did on
our behalf.
Visitors may attend either of the first two weeks.

Welcome Back!
Dr Alison