Thursday, September 12, 2024

Romans - Fall 2024 Lessons

Welcome back to a new semester of WOW! During the Fall term we will focus on the book of Romans on Monday evenings at at 6:45pm. A quick reminder, we now meet at the Levine Senior Center in Matthews. The Fall term began on Monday, September 9, 2024.

If you missed a week of WOW or would like to listen to one of the lectures again, simply click the links below to catch up.

October 14, 2024 
Lesson 6 - His Kindness Should Move Us (Listen)
Romans 2:1-5 (Read)

October 7, 2024 
Guest Lecturer: Marie Ligon

September 30, 2024 

September 23, 2024 

September 16, 2024 
Lesson 2 - The Power of the Gospel (Listen)

September 9, 2024 
Lesson 1 - Romans from 10,000 Feet (Listen)

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Summer Reading List 2024


HAPPY Late Spring/Early Summer! WOW is over for this school year.

We resume 9/9 2 6:30 p.m. to begin our journey into ROMANS chapters 1-4….our months will be SEPT thru APRIL of ’25. Our Normal Mondays we meet from 6:45- 8:30 p.m. (early group meets 5:45 - 8 p.m.).

Our text is N.T (Tom) Wright, Romans for Everyone, Volume 1 (there are 2 volumes) easily available on Amazon. Please consider getting that and looking ahead into the Fall.

Our Journey thru ISAIAH and also thru our 15th year together was rich and deep! Please invite a friend to our Summer Study on Dr Carol Kaminski’s book “Cultivating Godliness,” which is a light-discussion & sharing mode, beginning June 10 (write Marie Ligon for details!) We’ll meet 7 summer Mondays from 6:30-8 p.m. at different host-homes! Will be so refreshing! 

Attached is our booklist for the summer ! 

Please use this time of a change of pace to go deep—to sit on the porch for no reason, to exhale and meditate, to walk in the woods, to try a different prayer time? Summer is God’s Gift to us! Don’t waste it!

It makes me think of a verse we’re referenced MANY TIMES in WOW: “All my fresh springs shall be in You!” PS 87:7. Ladies, ask HIM for the fresh springs you need.

Commit your ways to the Lord & your steps will be established…Prov. 16:3

I am mainly recommending a couple Old Classics: “Andrew Murray: Humility, & Keller on PRAYER…&  a New Classic: “5 Lies of our Anti-Christian Age.” by Rosario Butterfield 

Hope to see many of you in “summer study!”

Praying for you all! Please keep our Ukrainian brothers and sisters in your prayers! 


Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Isaiah - Spring 2024 Lessons

Welcome back to a new semester of WOW! During the Spring term we will focus on the book of Isaiah on Monday evenings at at 6:45pm. A quick reminder, we now meet at the Levine Senior Center in Matthews. The Spring term began on Monday, January 8, 2024.

If you missed a week of WOW or would like to listen to one of the lectures again, simply click the links below to catch up.

April 29, 2024 

April 22, 2024 
Isaiah 65-66 (Read)

April 15, 2024 
Lesson 14 - Waiting on God (Listen)
Guest Lecturer: Beth Warren
Isaiah 63-64 (Read)

April 8, 2024 
Isaiah 60-62 (Read)

April 1, 2024 
Lesson 12 - Sabbath and Repentance (Listen)
Isaiah 58-59 (Read)

March 25, 2024 
Lesson 11 -  The Power of His Presence (Listen)
Guest Lecturer: Marie Ligon
Isaiah 56-57 (Read)

March 18, 2024 
Lesson 10 - His Ways Are Not Our Ways (Listen)
Isaiah 54-55 (Read)

March 11, 2024 
Lesson 9 - Suffering Servant - Easter Message (Listen)
Isaiah 53 (Read)

February 26, 2024 
Lesson 8 - Faith Unlocks the Promises of God (Listen)
Guest Lecturer: Marie Ligon
Isaiah 51-52 (Read)

February 19, 2024 
Lesson 7 - The Servant Songs, Part 2 & 3 (Listen)
Isaiah 49-50 (Read)

February 13, 2024 
Lesson 6 - For His Own Name Sake (Listen)
Isaiah 47-48 (Read)

February 5, 2024 
Lesson 5 - Sovereignty of God (Listen)
Isaiah 45-46 (Read)

January 29, 2024 
Lesson 4 - Who is Like you God?: Idolatry (Listen)

January 23, 2024 
Lesson 3 - Unmerited Grace (Listen)
Guest Lecturer: Marie Ligon
Isaiah 42-43 (Read)

January 15, 2024 
Lesson 2 - Servant, Already & Not Yet (Listen)
Isaiah 41-42 (Read)

January 8, 2024 
Isaiah 40 (Read)

Thursday, September 14, 2023

Isaiah - Fall 2023 - Lessons

Welcome back to a new semester of WOW! During the Fall term we will focus on the book of Isaiah on Monday evenings at at 6:45pm. A quick reminder, we now meet at the Levine Senior Center in Matthews. The Fall term began on Monday, September 11, 2023.

If you missed a week of WOW or would like to listen to one of the lectures again, simply click the links below to catch up.

November 19, 2023 
Lesson 10 - A Cautionary Tale (Listen)
Isaiah 38-39 (Read)

November 13, 2023 
Lesson 9 - Peril and Promise (Listen)
Isaiah 34-37 (Read)

November 6, 2023 
Isaiah 30-33 (Read)

October 23, 2023 
Guest Lecturer: Marie Ligon
Isaiah 22-29 (Read)

October 16, 2023 
Lesson 6 - Judgments and Oracles (Our Idols) (Listen)
Isaiah 17-21 (Read)

October 9, 2023 
Guest Lecturer: Bethany Kortekaas
Isaiah 13-16 (Read)

October 2, 2023 
Lesson 4 - Judgment and Hope Unfurled, Part 1 (Missing Audio)
Isaiah 7B-12 (Read)

September 25, 2023 
Isaiah 6-7 (Read)

September 18, 2023 
Isaiah 1-5 (Read)

September 11, 2023 
Isaiah 1 (Read)

Monday, August 14, 2023

WOW - Fall 2023 Information


It’s only a month until we re-gather! How wonderful that will be; I look forward to it! And to sharing the stories about our summers & God’s faithfulness.

ISAIAH is going to be an amazing book to plumb, all the way til first of May, ’24.

As well, we have some celebrating to do; WOW will turn “15” in early February, & we will celebrate with our first big Retreat! (stay-tuned)…

What are some KEY themes of this tome? SOVEREIGNTY, Comfort, Suffering, Righteousness, the Servant, Exile *(& the exiles we bring on ourselves!) It’s becoming dearer to me each  day. We will be using the (amazing) Dr. Eric Motyer’s devotional guide to Isaiah, “Isaiah By the Day..” In the meantime, check out the “30-something” chapters for illustrating ALL the themes above…from chapter 30’s “In returning & REST is your strength!” to chapter 38’s awesome prayer of King Hezekiah— “Oh God of Israel, You Alone made heaven & earth; hear me!” 

So rich!

Please consider inviting a friend & make a calendar date to be with us (6:30) on Sept 11, at the LEVINE Center in Matthews; it’s going to be a great semester!

Warmly in Him,

Dr. A

Alison K Littauer
Teaching Director, Women of the WORD, Charlotte 

Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Summer Reading List - 2023

Sisters: This summer I’m leading with one of my life mentors, recently passed, Dr. Tim Keller…His influence is beyond measure, and yes! If you’re wondering, he WILL be “One of the great dead guys!” What a loss for us in terms of leadership! In his honor, I’m putting his books up first, in case there are any classics you haven’t read:

From Tim Keller
The Reason for God (begin with)
The Meaning of Marriage (Best marriage book out there)
The Prodigal God
Making Sense of God
Counterfeit Gods

Our FALL ’23 Text
ISAIAH by the Day by Eric Motyer

The Thrill of Orthodoxy by Trevin Wax
Mere Sexuality by Todd Wilson
On Earth As In Heaven by N.T. Wright
All My Knotted-Up Life: A Memoir by Beth Moore
You Are What You Love by James Smith

Every Moment Holy, Volume I by Douglas Kaine McKelvey
Every Moment Holy, Volume II by Douglas Kaine McKelvey
31 Days of Praise: Enjoying God Anew by Ruth Myers
Praying God's Word by Beth Moore

Paul: A Biography by N.T. Wright
Humility by Andrew Murray
The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis
The Seeking Heart by Francois Fenelon
Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis
Jonathan Edwards: A Life by George Marsden
After You Believe by N.T. Wright
The Pleasures of God by John Piper
The Normal Christian Life by Watchman Nee
The Religious Affections by Jonathan Edwards
The Cost of Discipleship by Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Prodigals & Those Who Love Them by Ruth Graham
Prayers for Prodigals by James Banks
The Return of the Prodigal Son by Henri Nouwen

From my pastor: toward a life of “rest..”
The Way of the Heart by Henri Nouwen
Good and Beautiful and Kind by Rich Villodas
Emotionally Healthy Spirituality by Peter Scazzero
The Sabbath by Abraham Joshua Heschel
The Relational Soul by Richard Plass and James Cofield
The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry by John Mark Comer
The Life You’re Looking For by Andy Crouch
Renovation of the Heart by Dallas Willard

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Works of Paul - Spring 2023 - Lessons

Welcome back to a new semester of WOW! During the Spring term we will continue studying the life of the Apostle Paul and his writings on every Monday evening at at 6:45pm. We have moved! Our new location is the Levine Senior Center in Matthews. The Spring semester begins on Monday, Jan 9, 2023 and ends on Monday, May 1, 2023.

If you missed a week of WOW or would like to listen to one of the lectures again, simply click the links below to catch up.

May 1, 2023 
Lesson 16 - Walking Worthy (Listen)

April 24, 2023 
Lesson 15 - Praying Like Paul (Listen)

April 17, 2023 
Lesson 14 - He is our Peace (Listen)
Ephesians 2 (Read)

April 10, 2023 
Introduction: Praying for Prodigals (Listen)
Dr. Alison Littauer
Lesson 13 - Every Spiritual Blessing (Listen)
Guest Lecturer: Beth Warren
Ephesians 1 (Read)

April 3, 2023 

March 27, 2023 
Lesson 11 - Our Identity in Christ (Listen)
Guest Lecturer: Marie Ligon

March 13, 2023 
Colossians 1 (Read)

March 6, 2023 
Lesson 9 - Think on these Things (Listen) 
Lenten Perspective/Family Focus - Bethany Kortekaas (Listen)

February 27, 2023 
Lesson 8 - Paul’s Resume: Running the Race! (Listen) 

February 20, 2023 
Lesson 7 - Let This Mindset Be In You (Listen) 

February 13, 2023 
Lesson 6 - Joy Regardless (Listen)
Guest Lecturer: Bethany Kortekaas 

February 6, 2023 

January 30, 2023 
Lesson 4 - Living in Light of the Second Coming (Listen) 

January 23, 2023 
Lesson 3 - Practical Holiness (Listen) 

January 16, 2023 
UKRAINE UPDATE LIVE! - 3 Key women leaders from UBTS in person!
Lesson 2 - Paul’s Portrait of Ministry (Listen)

January 9, 2023